Art, Prose and Poetry
Start inspired, Leave motivated
“From a young age I learned to love literature because of my Grandfather Charlie. A great collector of poems and stories, he was the best storyteller, weaving together details and emotions in such a way that you felt you were there. His influence led to memorizing many poems throughout my life, my first one being at his house, in a rather unconventional way. Over the toilet hung Helen Steiner Riser’s poem, “Help Yourself to Happiness.” Many times I used that toilet, and as a result, I can still recite her poem word for word.”
“American” (Horse)
“American” (Man)
“At the Crossroads”
“Grandfather’s Wolf Parable”
“Help Yourself to Happiness”
“Look for the Life Within
“Paper Dream”
“Youth of a Royal Generation” by Ezra Taft Benson
“Two men”
“Woman of My Dreams”
“Thy Way”
“Evergreen Mission Statement”
“Kreutzkamp Family Mission Statement”
“Man in Black”
“Have you seen this child?” [him]
“Have you seen this child?” [her]
“The Key to Better Life” by Og Mandino
“The Ten Scrolls of Success” by Og Mandino
“The God Memo” by Og Mandino
Principles of Transformation
Transformations Model
Wheel of Life Transformation
Transformations Meditation: The Art of Letting Go
Transformation of the Heart
Transformation and Healing
The Coaching Model
Identify, Predict, Decide and Act
The Art of Letting Go
God is Love
Invitation to My Spouse
Happiness vs Misery